We're not Superheroes,
we're Kick-Ass Side Kicks!

469 Design WordPress Care Plans

We are Loyal & Brave and We Will Always Have Your Back!

We are the Robin to your Batman.. the Bucky to your Captain America.. the Lucille to your Negan. Rest assured that we’ll be your trusted sidekick, working behind the scenes to make sure you look good. Our Care Plans give you the freedom to focus on what is important to maintain and grow your customer relationships, and local reputation and increase your bottom line while we handle the back-end nerd stuff. We don’t even mind that you take all the glory!

Website Upkeep and Maintenance

Keep Your Website
Up-To-Date & Secure
Site Edits & Development

As small business owners ourselves, we know how vital your website is to help introduce your services or products to new customers and keep in touch with current customers. We also understand that staying on top of software updates for your specific WordPress plugins, themes and database can be a tricky balancing act.

Large automated updates may affect the way different aspects of your site work together causing utter chaos. To avoid any possible conflict, we manually install all applicable WordPress updates as they become available. We will then perform a full inspection after each update to make sure functionality, appearance and site speed are not adversely affected. 

Why our care plans and
. and are AWESOME!